There has been an explosion in the number of prosecutions for sex offences in recent years. It is now estimated that one-third of all court cases relate to sexual offences. In cities like Delhi it has been common to implicate people in false sexual harassment cases over the little issues of Parking, Property disputes, Financial disputes etc. Further we help those who was being harassed by goons and also deal with the cases which are related to Sexual harassment at work place also.
The trial and bail procedures in these cases form a substantial part of Ravi Drall & Associates. Allegations of sex crimes are dealt with by special attention where the Medical Jurisprudence is highly paid attention and at the same time opinion of doctors are also sought on medical points.
Internet crimes, such as online stalking, pornography, and abuse, spamming are on the rise, and in some cases those charged have been given highly punitive sentences to set an example.
Even if it may appear that an offence is minor, it is vital that you get legal advice as soon as the police question you about any incident